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Miss Wordsmith

Two history lessons

Two very interesting things happened to me this morning when I was doing the morning rounds in my 'community support worker' role. I walked into the house of an elderly couple I occasionally call on, and noticed a painting by my great-uncle Alexander Wilson hanging in the hallway. I must have walked past it at least half a dozen times and never noticed - amongst many others. The painting was of a stone cottage at Fruitlands. I remember 'Uncle Alec' well because he made trips to Alexandra in his red Morris 1100 from Invercargill a few times a year. He would give us kids a dollar if we scuttled around the coffee table on our knees several times. It all seemed like a good idea at the time, but seems rather odd now when I think about it. The other interesting thing I learned today was some fascinating history about the old historic bridge in Alexandra. The same elderly couple have a photograph of when the bridge and piers - in all its glory - was still in use. My client told me when it was nearing the end of its life, buses had to stop at the bridge while passengers walked across because the load was too much. Eventually all the motorists in the town did the same. What an interesting start to the week!

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